If you would be interested in playing for one of our teams in the above competitive East of Scotland leagues, running from April through June, please could you enter your name on the doodle poll at this link – captains need to have an idea of who is interested then so we can schedule team practices/try-outs and have an idea of numbers – thanks.

A few points of information:
  • we are entering 4 men’s and 2 women’s teams this year – all playing in different league groups.
  • we can’t guarantee that everyone one who is interested will get a game – its a requirement that a club rankings sheet is submitted and team line-ups are based on that. Captains will decide who they want to rank as main players.
  • we have increased the teams we enter over recent years with the aim of offering as many memberships as possible the chance to play competitive league tennis.
  • often what happens is some players become unavailable/injured etc and reserves start to come in.
  • Depending on the league you would need to be available Mon/Wed for men’s and Tues or Thurs for women’s and for home matches be at courts for 1800.
  • For away matches depending on draws the furthest we would have to travel is Kirkcaldy/Dunbar (though you may well end up in a group with Edinburgh only ties).
  • For home matches we players provide tea at the clubhouse afterward for visiting team; club provides balls.
The team lists have been reasonably established over the last few years particularly in the first teams but we fully re-rank each year based on new players joining etc.