We are very happy to announce that the new tennis year (April 2022- March 2023) has launched for Meadows City Tennis Club.
The new annual membership cycle has begun and we would like to make you aware of membership rates for 2022-2023. These have been set in line with your feedback in the recent member survey:
  • Adult = £84
  • Student / Young Person (18-25) = £60
  • Low Income = £54
  • Junior = £60 (please note Junior membership includes coaching)
  • Family = £10 off if child of an adult member or second child signed up within a household

These membership fees reflect a slight change from previous years:

  • They have been increased to cover court rate increases from Edinburgh Leisure for the year ahead
  • The annual fee will also cover winter floodlight sessions and the reintroduction of a guaranteed daytime club session each weekend over winter – therefore no separate winter membership supplement
  • We will not be offering the early bird rate this year
To rejoin for this year, please sign up by completing the form through the link below:
If you have any questions regarding membership, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Tom via email (membership@meadowstennis.co.uk). We look forward to welcoming you to the club this year and hopefully see you all on the courts soon!