Dear Members

Some of you will already have seen the LTA announcement from earlier this evening regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) – click on the link above for full details.

The club committee and Alex Harkins’ reading of the announcement is that – as an LTA-registered club – we are being asked to stop all club-related adult and junior group activity as of now until a further review date of 20 April.

This will entail cancellation of the following:

  • All junior sessions
  • All adult club social and team practice sessions
  • Adult indoor sessions at Craiglockhart
  • Club Open Day planned for 28 March (we hope to do this & other events planned later in year – though obviously depending on how matters develop)

This is a tough time for individuals, clubs, businesses and more – as a club we have to follow guidelines set out and prioritise our members’ health and safety.  We hope you will appreciate why we have taken this position we and bear with us through these times.

The club committee, and Alex Harkins for the junior club, would like to wish everyone to stay safe and healthy.