Discover our February 2019 newsletter – Club AGM, Wimbledon Ballot, Cardio Tennis, Afternoon Tea, New Welfare Officer and more.

The club will soon run its 2019 AGM – please click on the button below if you would like to participate. All committee members will be re-elected or new members appointed and current members will give brief reports. If you are interested in being involved in the club committee, please email David for more information or to discuss.
Some particular committee roles we are looking to fill currently:

  • Wimbledon Ballot organiser – Stuart Watson, who has been doing it for a number of years, can advise what is involved
  • Tournament and event admin and assistance – contact David to discuss
  • Fundraising – anyone with experience of this, we would welcome advice and support

If you can’t make it but have any feedback/comments/ideas about the club, please email these to David.


Cardio Tennis Course

We have partnered with Calum from Meston Performance Coaching who will run cardio tennis session for the club members. The price for the course is £30 (6 sessions). For more details about the course and the schedule, please visit his website. The course will start on February 10th (3-4pm).


Afternoon tea at the clubhouse

We’d like to invite members of the club for an afternoon tea event in the clubhouse on Sunday 3 March, from 4pm to 6pm, with an extended social session or cardio beforehand to work up an appetite. Please feel free to bring your delicious home-baked food!


Club Welfare Officer and new Club Policy Documents

As part of the new LTA club registration process, the club committee is required to appoint the new committee position of Welfare Officer, and also to produce a series of new club policy documents. We are very pleased to report that Steve Lynch has taken up the Welfare Officer position, following an approach from the committee.

As a long-standing and popular member, we are sure he will be very good in this role. The purpose of the Welfare Officer position is to be a key point of contact for any member who has any matters or concern relating to the club. The LTA’s expectation is that the person appointed will be approachable, tactful, discreet, a good listener, caring, and with the ability to resolve any conflict that might arise. We are, of course, hoping that the role will will not need to come into play.

We already have a friendly, welcoming, inclusive and relaxed club, and every member has a responsibility to ensure that the club continues to offer a safe and friendly environment for everyone. It’s worth adding that the role is primarily aimed at matters of a serious nature – not things like linecall disputes. If you want to email Steve about any matters there is a dedicated email:


Local League – Play Competitive Tennis

Local Tennis Leagues offers competitive tennis throughout the year at the Meadows Courts and Craiglockhart. It’s run by Local Tennis Leagues and MCTC members receive a £3 discount on entry fees for the Meadows league (code: Jawbone18).


Wimbledon Ballot – Opt-in

Deadline: Friday 22nd February

The BTM Wimbledon Ballot now requires you to OPT IN to be included in the Meadows ballot for 2019 Wimbledon tickets. Please opt-in even if you might not want tickets this year. This increases our ticket allocation for club members.

The club normally gets a good allocation of tickets. Last year we received 23 pairs of tickets between the 2 venues including the Men’s Singles Final. This year the Championships run from 1-14th July 2019.

Also ensure that you have added both Meadows City Tennis Club and Meadows Tennis Park as “Your Venues” at this link
This will mean you will be eligible for both ballots.